Monday, 6 April 2009

Kit List

I've been asked a few times what I'm taking with me. Here was what was suggested

Breathable Waterproofs – top and bottoms
Down Jacket or similar – insulating
Fleeces – insulating layers
Base layers/thermals
Beany hat/cap
Gloves. Suggest Icebreaker woollen glove liners, as well as over ski glove type
Sunglasses – these need to be polarised, or CAT 3 lenses minimum - well worth investing in.
Sleeping bag (suitable for down to -9oC and above)
Decent walking boots (these need to have been worn in)
Trekking socks
Travel towel
Good, supportive Rucksack – you should have walked with this to ensure that it is comfortable and suits your back
Water bottle/camel back
Water sterilisers
High factor sun screen
High Factor lip screen
Durable light weight and breathable trousers/ shorts
T-shirts – avoid cotton. You want breathable fabrics which wick away sweat and minimise odour. Icebreaker is best. (Try to avoid cotton with all trekking clothing)
Torch (Head torches are ideal)
Basic first aid kit (including antiseptic handwash)
Trekking Poles – (optional)
Sleeping mat (optional)

You should have had the following, these are mandatory. If you contract the below illnesses and your vaccines are not up to date, your insurance will be invalid. We will not be responsible for any medical costs incurred by you. It looks a lot, but it is likely that you will be covered on these from previous travels and vaccination updates.
Hep A

In addition – there is a very slight risk of illness and these vaccines are available. Not imperative though:
Hep B, and Rabies

Additional medical supplies we recommend. This info was all in your doctors letter which was circulated:
- Acetazolomide, or ‘Diamox’- help protect against altitude sickness. Need to be given these by GP.
- Antibiotic called ‘Metronidazole’. Ideal for Giardia. Symptoms of this can be severe and debilitating. Recommend dose of 400 mg 3 times daily, for 5 days.
- General Infections – ‘Ciproflaxin’. This is broad spectrum antibiotic, covering chest, sinus, urinary and wound infections.

Ibuprofen / preferred painkillers
Rehydration sachets (ideal to drink 2 per day, irrespective of illness etc)
Vitamin C dissolvable tablets. These will add something to taste of sterilised water, and provide additional nutrients. (Berocca or similar)
Anticeptic cream- Savlon
Moisturising lotion (post sunburn, wind burn etc)
Additional blister plasters

I have got all of the above apart from a sleeping mat (we will be provided thin mattress-type-devices in the teahouses that we stay), and the 2 'suggested' vaccines. This has all come out of my own pocket, apart form a Balaclava and Ski Gloves which I've borrowed off Matt Drummond. In addition to this, we have:

Cricket Shirt and Trousers
Polo Shirt
Tracky Bottoms
Solar-Powered Charger
Nokia Handset (Free!)
Travel journal
Bed-Bug resistant sheet to put on top of mattress.
Beef Jerky

Intangible but essential:

Easy-Going attitude
Constant remembering of where we are and what we're achieving

In short, I can't wait


Dom said...

"T-shirts – avoid cotton. You want breathable fabrics which wick away sweat and minimise odour. Icebreaker is best. (Try to avoid cotton with all trekking clothing)"

I find daily life an Everest style trek, should I be wearing sweat-wick clothing?!? I always wondered why Stu refused to wear natural fibres...

tooveseverest said...

I'm not sure if Metro-wear comes in wick-away. Why don't you ask the Thomas Dickson/Nat Pauli hybrids in General Pants Co about the technicalities of their ironic-urban-wear... dude

letticia said...
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letticia said...

hey nick!
im so excited for u!
i will have to donate some money to u now!
i just read through your packing list - ru sure u can carry all that?
i'll be looking in the Ozzy newspapers for u.
make sure you smile for the cameras!!!
take care,
love letticia x

tooveseverest said...

Letticia? With a name like that I thought you were going to be black (dom - that was graysie's first comment to Lettie)
The packing shouldnt be an issue. I've got arms like condoms stuffed with walnuts now. A mere flex of my biceps can send a tacitcal lightning strike to power-substations in Iran.

Fergus said...

The pink kit will do wonders for your complexion, mate!! I bet your metrosexual self is looking forward to wearing it as much as possible!